This vegetable that has a white bulb with feathery leaves is called “rezene” in Turkish. It tastes slightly sweet. In the United States it is found not only in the form of stalks and fronds but also as a bulbous root in the markets.
It’s fronds or seeds are known to relieve digestion in adults and babies. It is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium and other vitamins and minerals. This vegetable is a natural source of estrogen and fiber which provides important benefits in the treatment of many diseases by strengthening the metabolism.
This healthy vegetable can also be grown at home by burying the bulb in the ground.
Pan Sautéed Fennel
The white bulb of the fennel, which is separated from its stalks, is cut vertically into less than an inch thick piece. These pieces are lined up and lightly fried in heated olive oil in a pot. To increase the flavor, add some butter and desired spices such as curry mix, turmeric, and cumin. Stir and remove from the heat.
Feyza Anıl
Shawwal 1442 / May 2021
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